Weekly review 1

1 minute read

This is the first public weekly review I’ll do, and will set up the template for all future ones. The basic idea comes from Ali Abdaal (with his coming from David Allen). I hope that doing it this way helps keep me open and accountable, and means I can tracks my progress more easily when I look back at the last 12 months. I added in the last two points to help with this. The aim is to do it every Sunday morning.

Key Questions

  1. What gave me energy this week? How can I make more time for those things?
  • Pursuing new analysis and better code in an R-SQL analysis - prioritise code-heavy projects
  • Giving to charity on Giving Tuesdays or food banks - save on takeaway coffee and give it back in donations
  • Direct play with family > parallel play - do more group activities
  1. What drained my energy this week? How can I reduce time spent on those things?
  • Being around mess - dedicate an 10-minute tidy each day, work from the office an extra day each week
  • Not having enough sleep/water/health food - water bottle with me, online shopping for health food - set reminder for sleep
  1. What was my biggest win of the week?
  • Reached 100 days on my readwise review streak!
  1. What was my biggest struggle of the week?

Focus amid more working from home.

  1. Did my actions align with my long-term goals?

For the most part. More time and energy could go to languages. I fell off daily stoicism journalling a bit.

  1. Any other milestones or events this week?

Weighted pull-ups dropped to 60lbs!

  1. What did I read and learn this week?

Mainly read “Quit” by Annie Duke. And a blog post that finally convinced me that “undifferentiated heavy lifting” actually means something.

Plan for next week?

  1. Goals for the next 7 days

Bring a bit more structure through tidy organisation. Finish off my XGBoost paper.

  1. Any extra notes

Would like to make progress with pyroll application for my mum.