
Introduction to R and the tidyverse

Here are resources for teaching the tidyverse based on my experience teaching MSc bioinformatics students for the last 6+ years. Note that these materials were developed separately by me, so share some themes with, but are independent to, those I use in-person.

The core structure is:

  • Overview of R itself and how to get started, find help etc.
  • Getting set up with creating reports in Rmarkdown/Quarto; loading data with tibble and readr
  • Wrangling data with dplyr, focusing on building up the core ‘verbs’
  • Manipulating strings and regular expressions
  • Handling factors and writing functions

What it doesn’t cover, but I would like to in the future

  • Dates with lubridate
  • Visualisations with ggplot2
  • Interactive visualisations with Shiny

Stay tuned for these because I plan to build this out soon :)

0 - A brief introduction to R

Welcome to the first post in a series introducing R to new users and getting you up-to-speed with modern R, centred around use of the tidyverse. If you have ...