100 days of blogging

2 minute read

Story time

So for a while now I’ve been umming and erring about actually using this site for something but I’ve always held back from taking the plunge and writing posts or adding pages of interest. The big hurdle for me is not that I don’t have anything to write, or even that I don’t know what to write. I’m pretty sure about what I want to do. The main barrier is really me and the fear I have of putting myself out there.

This is something I think we all have to an extent, but I’ve come to realise lately that it’s become an issue for me because I don’t really have anything out there. I was thinking about different jobs and fields the other day, when it hit me that there really wasn’t a big collection of easily accessible, public proof of all I know and can do. It’s not so easy to point to a thesis, and most of my work is in papers or in private GitHub repos.

I’ve also been thinking about how I’ve spent such a long time worrying about what friends or family or colleagues would think of finding out I have a blog or a YouTube channel, which is frankly just ridiculous. So this is me coming to the already obvious conclusion that nobody cares and that I need to do these things so I’m just going to do them.

The next 100 days

To kick things off I’m going to do 100 blogs in 100 days. They won’t all be long and complicated, though I’m sure some will. And they might not all be useful, but I think they will to someone (even if that someone is me!).

At the same time I’ll be planning my youtube channel where I’ll make videos teaching data science and machine learning topics or other things (I’m still thinking on that one), I’ll be applying to some part time jobs to get some more experience teaching (and I wouldn’t say no to more to pay off PhD debts), and I’ll be pumping out more first author papers. I’ve managed to spend a fair amount of time doing analysis for others, which is a lot of fun, but it also means you don’t have quite so many shiny things to point to. Oh, I’ll also be cleaning up my GitHub and opening up a lot more code and repos to show my code more.

Here’s to the next 100 days! :)

