Recent first-author publications

Matthew Bracher-Smith, Ganna Leonenko, Emily Baker, Karen Crawford, Andrew C Graham, Dervis A Salih, Brian W Howell, John Hardy, Valentina Escott-Price. Whole genome analysis in APOE4 homozygotes identifies the DAB1-RELN pathway in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. Neurobiology of Aging. In Press.

Matthew Bracher-Smith, Elliott Rees, Georgina Menzies, James TR Walters, Michael C O’Donovan, Michael J Owen, George Kirov, Valentina Escott-Price. Machine learning for prediction of schizophrenia using genetic and demographic factors in the UK biobank. Schizophrenia Research 246, 156-164 (2022).

Bracher-Smith, M., Crawford, K. & Escott-Price, V. Machine learning for genetic prediction of psychiatric disorders: a systematic review. Mol Psychiatry 26, 70–79 (2021).

My thesis, “Machine learning for genetic prediction of schizophrenia”, available here.

See my Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date list of publications.

Sample GitHub libraries


cnv_quant_vis Runs fast Bokeh interactive plots with a large dataset. Uses parquet files for quick column-wise access and generates custom kde and rug plots.

forestplot Static forest plots using matplotlib. Forest plots are almost always done in R, but this is all python. Illustrates some of the depth of my matplotlib knowledge as it took a fair amount of customisation.

Check out my github for more.


2016 - 2021: 1+3 PhD in Schizophrenia genetics at Cardiff University.

2011 - 2014: Biochemistry Bsc (Hons). 1st.

I’m not sure anyone wants to hear about my GCSEs and A-levels, so we’ll leave it there.